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Category: LG TVs

  • What Does Pixel Refresher Do? Understanding Its Role & Benefits

    What Does Pixel Refresher Do? Understanding Its Role & Benefits

    When it comes to dealing with image retention or screen burn-in on our TVs and displays, pixel refresher is a term that often comes up. But what exactly does it do? As a display expert, I’ll tell you all you need to know about this technology. Simply put, pixel refresher is a built-in feature found…

  • LG TV Volume Goes Up By Itself? (Fix It!)

    LG TV Volume Goes Up By Itself? (Fix It!)

    Have you ever been watching your favorite show on your LG TV and suddenly the volume increases on its own? It can be a bit jarring, to say the least. But it’s not uncommon—many people have experienced this same issue with their LG TVs. If your TV volume is increasing by itself, it is likely…

  • LG Tv Screen Flashing On And Off? (Quick Guide!)

    LG Tv Screen Flashing On And Off? (Quick Guide!)

    Are you one of the many people who own an LG TV and have been dealing with a screen that flashes on and off? If so, you’re not alone. Many LG TV owners have experienced the same issue. It’s a frustrating experience that can leave you feeling helpless and isolated. First, try unplugging the TV…

  • Bluetooth Keeps Disconnecting On LG TV? (Here’s What To Do!)

    Bluetooth Keeps Disconnecting On LG TV? (Here’s What To Do!)

    Do you have an LG TV? Ever had issues with the Bluetooth connection? It’s one of the most common problems that LG users face, and it can be incredibly frustrating. If your Bluetooth keeps disconnecting, you’re not alone! To resolve the issue of your LG TV Bluetooth Keeps Disconnecting, try the following steps: 1. Check…

  • LG TV Volume Goes Up And Down By Itself? (Quick Fix!)

    LG TV Volume Goes Up And Down By Itself? (Quick Fix!)

    Do you find the volume of your LG TV inexplicably going up and down by itself? You’re not alone. Many people experience this strange phenomenon, leaving them feeling frustrated and powerless. But don’t worry, there are steps you can take to gain control over your TV’s sound settings. The best course of action is to…

  • How To Enable Gallery Mode LG Tv? (Solved!)

    How To Enable Gallery Mode LG Tv? (Solved!)

    Are you looking for an easy way to enable gallery mode on your LG TV? We’ve got you covered! Gallery mode is a great way to enjoy the photos and videos stored on your device, as well as any streaming content. With just a few simple steps, you can be enjoying the rich visuals of…

  • How To Find The Mac Address On An LG Smart Tv? (Full Guide!)

    How To Find The Mac Address On An LG Smart Tv? (Full Guide!)

    Have you ever had trouble finding the MAC address on your LG Smart TV? If so, don’t worry – you’re not alone. Many people have difficulty locating their device’s MAC address, especially when it comes to newer models of smart TVs. Fortunately, it’s not as hard as it may seem. In this article, we’ll show…

  • Why Does My Lg Tv Keep Dimming? (Answered!)

    Why Does My Lg Tv Keep Dimming? (Answered!)

    Have you ever been watching your favorite show on your LG TV and noticed that the picture suddenly dimmed? It’s a frustrating experience – suddenly, you can’t make out the details of what’s happening on screen. You’re left feeling disconnected from the entertainment and isolated in your living room. The most likely cause of this…

  • LG Tv Switches Source By Itself? (Full Guide!)

    LG Tv Switches Source By Itself? (Full Guide!)

    Have you ever been watching your favorite show on your LG TV, only to have it switch sources by itself without any warning? If so, you’re not alone. More and more people are reporting that their LG TVs have been switching sources inexplicably, and it can be a frustrating experience. Fortunately, this article will provide…

  • What Does The Flashing Red Light On An LG Tv Mean? (Quick Guide!)

    What Does The Flashing Red Light On An LG Tv Mean? (Quick Guide!)

    Have you ever noticed a flashing red light on your LG TV and wondered what it meant? You’re not alone! Many people have come across this puzzling light, but don’t know what it means or how to fix it. It’s time to get to the bottom of this mystery once and for all – so…